your voice

As a transgender individual with a disability if it's one thing that I think everyone should know in my type of situation as a life lesson don't let people silence you because you have a beautiful voice that god gave you and the LGBTQ community use it if someone tries to tell you something you don't agree with or you don't think it's true about yourself speak up I know I have difficulty with this as well but it all has to do with listening to your gut and finding your inner voice that tells you the right and wrong things to say and do always choose what you feel you need and want to say don't be scared to tell your support team or your care team how you actually feel even though they might not be supportive of your disability or your sexuality or your gender identity always speak up and find your inner voice trust me it's very hard sometimes even for myself to do that but I will not stay silent I will make sure I'm heard even though others might not agree with my opinions on life and say things like I act immature or I'm a lair or whatever they might say about me isn't going to break me into pieces just shut there mean opinions out because I know who I am I'm Gabriel and I know the more I pay attention to peoples mean opinions just to break me into who they want me to be will effect me not just emotionally but mentally as well I know I'm a strong person a strong man that has been through tons of crap throughout their life from neglect to abuse to foster care and living in a family that were worry worts about everything to the point where I could not do any sports or to just be a kid I've been through it all and I know how some people in this world are not always really good people I have come so far in my life and I am lucky to have become the strong man I feel I am today I have come a very long way and I'm proud to say that no one will never knock me down in the dust because I'm unstoppable and the lord and savior Jesus Christ is always on my side god bless you all and have a great night I hope you found this message inspiring enough to apply to your own lives


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